MUSCLELAB Software (latest release)

For Windows 10 and 11 – 64bit

Release date: Feb 15th 2025

This version requires valid serial number thru July 2024 to install

Changes in this version:

February 15th 2025, V10.241.117.5374

1- When recording with dual force sensors or force plates, the sample rate could under some circumstances end up being different for the two sensors. Now they are always the same, 200Hz or 1kHz.

Bug fixes:
1- Force plates sometimes did not always connect. This is fixed through firmware update.
2- Drop jump test export to ‘mlte’ format did not work.

February 4th 2025, V10.241.117.5371

Quick fix:
1- Fore plate jump test did not record any data @1kHz

January 27th 2025, V10.241.117.5369

Bug fixes:
1- Sometimes error in calculation of left/right ecc/con NI on dual force plate for CMJ

1- Improved data transfer range from wireless timing  gates
2- Force plate CMJ: Now allows short ‘free fall’ up to 100ms in eccentric phase


November 15th 2024, V10.241.116.5366

Bug fixes:
1- Sprint test witk Laser did not always detect the start correctly. ‘Recalc’ will fix the issue on old tests
2- Contact grid as a start trigger for timing gates was not working.

October 24th 2024, V10.241.116.5364

Quick fix:
1- Fixed windows .net framework compatibility issue causing some application functions in rare cases to fail, e.g. fetching data from wireless sensors.

September 25th 2024

1- Improved graphical presentation of trigger signals i raw data view

September 13th 2024

Quick fix:
1- Fixed issue when using timing gates/contract grid combination for detection of stride kinematics

September 2nd 2024

New features:
1- Implemented Recalc for Contact Time test
2- Implemented Contact Time Test

1- Updated report, table data and data export for run-up test with velocity data for every one meter.

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed issue with saving Running economy test.
2- Fixed issue with scrollbar for tests groups collection.
3- Fixed issue with Postural sway test graph in report.
4- Improved database update file 10.190.78


May 30th 241.114.5354

Changes in this version:

1- Continued with issue reported in V241.114.5353;  On some PC’s DynaSpeed did still occationally not terminate sprint correctly. Now it is fixed.
2- Net Impulse calculation of Concentric and Eccentric on CMJ was corrected.

May 28th 241.114.5353

Changes in this version:

Bug fix:
1- DynaSpeed did occationally not terminate sprint correctly resulting that the data was not saved.

May 24th 241.114.5352

Changes in this version:

Quick fix/improvement:
1- DynaSpeed: End of sprint detection is now either when speed is less than 0.2 m/s for >0.5s or when change of direction is detected.

May 16th 241.114.5351

Changes in this version:

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed issue with tapping pads for coordination tests.
2- Allows to save sprint results with laser even if target distance was not reached
3- Corrected calculations of COD test using Laser or DynaSpeed.

May 1st 241.112.5349

Changes in this version:

New features:
1- Added single cycle option to change of direction test.

1- Updated uninstall message.
2- Adjusted algorithm for detection of movement time for CMJ on force plate
3- Dynaspeed: End of test detecton limit at speed <0.2m/s must now be longer than 100ms.
This will prevent unwanted test termination while marching.

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed database update script “10.232.111.txt”
2- Fixed issue with sprint start box.

Feb 29th 2025

1- Changed split time(s) definition for shuttle sprint.

Bug fixes:
1- Laser pairing issue. The laser unit does not appear in the drop-down menu when connected to the main unit.
2- Fixed issue with the countdown timer in the shuttle sprint test.
3- Fixed tEcc in CMJ on FP
4- Fixed error in version number of the deploy database.


Feb 25th 2024


  1.  Modified sync algorithm when running test with only one sensor.
  2.  Added sprint selectable start threshold level (0.01m/s or 0.5m/s) for to sprint test using laser or dynaSpeed.
  3.  Improved COD test algorithm that includes contact times at turning point.
  4.  Added startbox option with reaction times for sprint test with dynaSpeed.
  5.  Added scrollbar for control buttons in test view
  6. Sprint start box: Changed time interval from ‘Set’ to Gunshot from 2.5-3.5 seconds to 1.5-2.5 seconds

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed test export issue.
2- Updated database script that failed for old databases (10.232.106.txt with iF statement).
3- Fixed issue with fetching imu sensors data in sprint test.
4- Fixed auto save function in sprint test with dynaSpeed.
5- Fixed slope calculation for dual force sensor (Both data) in raw data view.
6- Fixed issue with import a test and merge it with existing one at the same time.

Quick fix:

Changed speed limit for COD test with DynaSpeed


Jan 15th 2024

Changes in this version:

New features:
1- Added Change of direction test for laser and dynaSpeed.
2- Added support for new photocell type (2.4 MHz).
3- Implemented ADA test for dynaSpeed.
4- Added “Sensor use” column in test view.
5- Added “Reset paired devices list” button in sensor pairing view.
6- Added HOME, END and LID sensors statuses in dynaSpeed sensor view.

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed database update 10.222.105.
2- Fixed issue with export sprint with laser to spreadsheet.
3- Fixed drop jump report.
4- Fixed bug in Key Value selection for hopping and rebound jump tests.
5- Fixed issue in primary sensor quantity verification method. Running economy test was missing one of the imu’s.
6- Fixed issue with export of dynaSpeed test data to spreadsheet.
7- Fixed Endurance test concentric start.
8- Fixed Toggle commands for HOME, END and LID buttons.
9- Fixed error in CMJ calc on force plate

Sep 9th 2023
Quick fix:

Merging duplicate registrations of people in tha database could fail if duplicates were also present in groups.

Aug 25th 2023
Changes in this version:

01- Some cosmetic improvements.

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed issue with first step in speed test. Some times first step was skipped.
2- Fixed issue with force plates. Force may not connect after firmware update.
3- Fixed issue with Graph presentation in Laser Sprint F/V profiling.
4- Fixed issue with creating new tests group. Application crashed.
5- Fixed issue with determening of isometric test start time for left and right side, when dual force plate used.
6- Fixed issue with disappearing of threshold line in graph for isometric test.
7- Fixed issue when manually selecting first step side for sprint tests with contact grid as step detection technology.
8- Fixed issue with export raw data to csv. Application crasheed because of null reference.

Aug 10th 2023:

Quick bug fix:
1- Sprint Start unit did not work properly in combination with Laser and Contact grid.


Aug 8th 2023:

Changes in this version:

New features:
1- Added Run-up and ADA tests as standard.
2- Implemented Key Values for jump test.
3- Added pre-tension line to isometric graph in test view.

01- Total distance text removed for ADA test in test view.
02- Added protocol steps check on application startup.
03- Added check if unit for some reason was removed from the system while transfering data from wireless unit.
04- Applyed new style on message boxes in unit pairing module.
05- Updated messages classes with new parameter.(internal)
06- Added user notification, if laser calc failed.
07- Updated test import, so it will be taken in considiration, if the imported test is standard test or not.(internal)
08- Adjusted flight time filter in ContactGridCalc.
09- Stride calc will use trigger as start of first step, if present.
10- Unified members selection of people and protol groups with test group.(internal)

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed issue in dynaSpeed sensor extend collection. Application crash.
2- Fixed database relation between test definition and instructions.(internal)
3- Fixed issue with drawing force line in speed test with dynaSpeed.
4- Fixed test import/export issue, when test contains startSprintUnit, it won’t be exported correctly.
5- Fixed issue with selection of test group members.


July 6th 2023:
Changes in this version:

New features:
1- Added target distance in test view for sprint with dynaSpeed.

1- Optimized repository initialization.
2- Optimized Aggrigated status update.
3- Optimized Turn off all wireless sensors function.

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed issue with tests filter.
2- Fixed fv calculation for sprint tests in yards.

June 29th 2023:
Changes in this version:

New features:
1- Reenabled frequency selection for force sensor in test view.

1- Stability improvements.

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed issue with updating of table data for sprint with dynaSpeed and yards as measurment unit.

June 23rd 2023:
Changes in this version:

New features:
1- Added Strength/Speed factor on Laser sprint result export.

1- Added better exception handling of missing data segments in Laser sprint test

June 16th 2023:
Changes in this version:

New features:
1- Added 2 standard jump tests.
2- Added speed test export in yards.

1- Corrected NI calculation I for CMJ jump.

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed incorrect standard test representation in test view.
2- Fixed issue with sensors assignment in test view.
3- Fixed issue with starting debug mode. Debug mode won’t start if user saved settings.
4- Fixed issue with drawing raw data for sprint test.
5- Fixed issue with Basic unit discriminator value. Caused units conflict when they fetched from database.
6- Fixed issue with calculating FV for sprint test with photocells. Body weight and height were missing in calculations.
7- Fixed issue with updating test group members.

May 3rd 2023: V

Changes in this version:

New features:
1- Added new Shuttle Sprint (A180 test).
2- Implemented Load jump.
3- Added angular velocity of dorsal/plantar flexion at tc and tf when sprinting with IMUs.
4- Added Net impulse (NI) for concentric and eccentric phase for jumps on force plate.
5- Added MuscleLab Cloud Integration.
6- Added time control in Test View, so user will be able to adjust StartSprint’s unit announcement repeat time.
7- Several cosmetic improvements.

1- Optimized wireless data transfer.

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed issue with unsorted analysis data in speed test report.
2- Fixed application crash when no analysis data selected.

March 14th 2023:

Could select only one IMU sensor for stride analayseis with Laser and DynaSpeed

1- Offset distance for Laser  can now manually be set in either in meteres or yards
2- Dynamic update of numerical Laser distance at all time in test view

March 6th 2023:

1- Added check for person existence in database when importing new people, using email address as unique identifier.
2- Eliminated possibility for templates duplicates when importing tests.

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed issue with exporting (LFV, ADA, RUS, SST) to spreadsheet. Comment field not exported.

March 1st 2023:

Quick fixes:

1- Issue with detecting movement time correctly when for CMJ and SJ. (Run re-calc to correct exiting tests)

2- Laser report disd not display properly

February 24th 2023:

Changes in this version:

New features:
1- Added check on maximum number of primary sensors allowed in test definition. Now application will automatically run the check before test initialization in TestView.
2- Implemented check on personal max velocity for dynaSpeed tests.
3- Implemented F/V calculations for dynaSpeed tests.

1- Improved FV reports.

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed poeple merge issue.
2- External Load Control had wrong system settings object.
3- Fixed database update issue on 10.190.78
4- Fixed issue with unassigned start mode for old sprint tests definitions when opened in test editor.
5- Fixed issue with suddenly missing sensors in TestView.
6- Fixed dynaSpeed distance marker in velocity graph in TestView.
7- Fixed issue with dynaSpeed resistance test. First test couldn’t be saved.
8- Fixed issue with dynaSpeed assisted tests. Tests doesn’t work properly.
9- Fixed issue with number of decimal digits in dynaSpeed table in test view.
10- Fixed inconsistency between peak force in data table and peak force in raw data in dynaSpeed test.
11- Fixed issue with application crash on startup. Some users experienced application crash due to lacking user rights on database lock file.

January 24th 2023:

Bug fixes:
1- Inactive people still showed up when selecting test participants.
2- Change incorrectly assigned paricipants to tests sometimes failed if biometrics was not available and valid for the test date.
3- Total time for DynaSpeed test is removed in the key data pop-up.


January 13th 2023:

Changes in this version:
New features:
1 – Reaction time, sprint time and total time added as key values for sprint tests that uses STARTsprint sensor.

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed issue with disappearing results of sprint test(timing gates) right after test finishes.
2- Fixed issue with encoder positioning module that was not updated when participant changed.
3- Fixed error in table column header for sprint with timing gates in test view.

December 30th 2022:

Changes in this version:

New features:
1 – Added (Reaction time, Sprint time and Total time) to Sprint with Laser and Timing gates.

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed issue with table data calculations of force sensor data in rawdata view.
2- Fixed issue with sound options selection for starter sprint sensor in test definition.

1- Use absolute distance when trigger start is used in Laser sprint.

November 18th:

Changes in this version:

New features:

  1. Implemented selection of sound packages for Sprint Starter Box.
  2. People filter updated with gender filtering possibility.
  3. Merged all Dual force sensors graphs in one graph in Raw Data View



  1. Added dynaSpeed table information to spreadsheet export.
  2. Changed sprint test export to spreadsheet. Only selected step analysis results will be exported to spreadsheet.
  3. Updated sprint data table (cosmetic).
  4. Improved data sending from isometric test object to GUI.


Bug fixes:

  1. Fixed errors in sprint data when exported to spreadsheet.
  2. Removed Stiffness from SJ with Force plate.
  3. Fixed issue with batch csv export of sprint tests.
  4. Fixed serialization issue on test export
  5. Fixed possible application crash when assigning a force plate sensor in test view.
  6. Fixed recalc method for CMJ and SJ tests.
  7. Fixed Issue with Distance column header of dynaSpeed table
  8. Fixed one of the databases updating scripts.
  9. Fixed issue with changing person for saved test. Application crashed.
  10. Fixed issue with Compression Negative property of force plate sensor.


Feature: You can now change the person that is connected to a test result. (right-click test in Result table and select the new person)

Improvement: The last stepes in step kinematics detection using IMUs were some times rejected by the algorithms.


  1. Sometimes sprint test tests were discarded due to false minimum distance check.
  2.  Live-graph in some force tests using force sensor did not show correectly.


Same software version as 5237 but fixed issue that system failed to update some old databases


Fixed issue with filtering of people if name were missing (using PID as person identifier)

  1. Added distance to fly segments in sprint tests
  2. Added feature to prevent unwanted disconnect of Wi-Fi if inactive over a period of time
  3. Added Glide lenght/Leg length for skating kinematics



  1. Some tests did not alsways show data for first run in a series
  2. DynaSpeed could pull line all the way if line was released when combination of resisteance mode, high speed pull in and short distance from the unit.
  3. Run-up test with laser did not show take-off veleocity in pdf report, only in result table.
  4. Recalculation of a test created duplicates if filtering based on groups of people was selected



Fix: Distance indicator in dynaspeed test view graph was not always updating correctly for assisted runs.


  1. WiFi connection is now more robust if sevaral units using WiFi are present.
  2. Some general improvements related to USB communication.



  1. Editing sprint test with timing gates caused test to be useless until software was restarted
  2. Shifting between sprint test in a protocol caused distance to be set to 1m
  3. DynaSpeed resistance table sometimes limited a segment to 5m
  4. If DynaSpeed zero point was set to less than 2.5 meters the zero point was set to zero and caused line to be pulled all the way in

Improvement: Added more start modes for laps and shuttle sprint tests


Improved: live update of disctance to start line in Laser test

New feature:  Added rcalculation of previously run Sprint tests with laser


Improved: Import of Roster in CSV format

Fix: Issues with Laser not detecting start properly



Fixed some issues with Export/import of peple and tests.



Improved data fetching from laser unit with built in memory (2.4Ghz version).



  1. Data filtering did not work
  2. Update for Dynaspeed was missing in the setup


New features:
1- Support for Laser sensor (2.4GHz)
2- Support for Finger Strength Board sensor
3- Support for Start Sprint device.
4- Added possibility to change database on startup in cases where application version doesn’t match database version.

1- Improved Laser update and pairing.
2- Improved WiFi connection.

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed issue with load graph update, when start load changed in dynaSpeed test.
2- Fixed issue with wifi network scan. When no network card available, application never finished scanning.
3- Fixed issue in MlSocket when incomming queue is empty. Application crash on startup.
4- Fixed issue with dissapearing av dynamic strength test results when participant changed.


Fix: Setup program could have trouble to connect to license server.


Bug fix:

  1. Sprint test w/timing gate did not update correctly when introducing new start modes.
  2. DynaSpeed test could crash when shifting between atheletes, especiallay in auto save mode.

Bug fix: Import of some exported tests failed.

Bug fix: DynaSpeed was not always initiated currectly when running through the USB interface

Bug fix: Laser report did not always show correctly when trigger (contact grid or timing gate) was used as start.

Bug fix:

  1. Dynaspeed instant show of ‘key data’  (Sl, Sf, Vmax etc) did show if used in auto save mode
  2. Firmware update of Laser unit indicated ‘fail’ even if updata was made without error.

Bug fix: Dynaspeed data did not save correctly

New features:
1- Added live view for dynaSpeed sensor.
2- Added 30m fly calc.
3- Added trigger-based start modes for tests with laser and dynaSpeed.
4- Added calculation of step length and step frequency to Laser and DynaSpeed by analyzing the velocity oscillations
5- Added possibility to import people from csv file.
6- Implementation of new software licensing system.
7- Added possibility to change user/organization name in settings.
8- Added a new tab for instant presentation of key values for speed during test.
9- Added person PID check when importing new person into muscleLAB.

1- dynaSpeed sensor can be used as an encoder in dynamic strength test. (e.g for change of direction training)
2- Modified sensors panel in test view.
3- Improved numeric control.
4- Extended people import with possibility to select into which group people should be imported.

Bug fixes:
1- Fixed issue with save button in strength test.
2- Fixed application crash when trying to print F/V graph.
3- Fixed issue with jump test recalculations
4- Different bug fixes.



Fix: System may ‘hang’ and sync indefinitely if IMU is paired on channel 0 and used ins sprint tests


Fix: Step length was shown in inches even if metric units was selected


  • Autodetecting start position in Laser sprint tests.
  • Added posbillity to add test participants direcly from TestView
  • Added posibility to register new people directly from TestView.
  • Sprint tests can now be defined in Yards


  • Fixed error when using dual force plates/force sensors.
  • Fixed confusions using comma or point as decimal separator for data export to spreadsheet.


  • Added external I/O sync capabilities for force measurements


  • Fixed: Misalignement of coloumn heading when export to spread sheet
  • Fixed: Error when opening raw-data if Laser was set as secondary sensor
  • Added: Possible to deactivate DynaSpeed optical sensor if exposed to direct sunlight


Fix: Device firmware update failed if only one device was connected via USB


  • Fix: Issue with firmware update of DynaSpeed
  • Fix: ADA test did not work properly
  • Fix: Filtering of velocity could generate artifact at the very end of a sprint with Laser


  • Fix: F/V report did not show properly
  • Fix: Load in kg was sometimes displayed as pounds.
  • Added ’10/20m/yd Fly’ to test view for Laser and DynaSpeed


Fixed bug in tesview when displaying distance in the table for DynaSpeed and Laser test.


  • Added 10m, 20m,10yd, and 20yd fly times for Laser and DynaSpeed tests
  • Added data per meter/yard for the first 10m/yd Laser and DynaSpeed tests
  • Added Kinetic Energy for running
  • Improved and unified start detection for DynaSpeed and Laser tests.


  • Added: Import/export of tests and people between databases
  • Added: Skating kinematics for assisted skating sprints
  • Fixed: Microsoft mediaplayer included in setup in case missing in the target PC
  • Fixed: DSU update for WiFi support somtimes failed.


Fixed: Failed to save results when using dual force plate with threshold for isometric test

Fixed: Groups did not show correctly

Changed: No longer possible to have different sample rate for the two plates in a dual force plate test.


Fixed: Step detection calculation did not perform correctly


  • Added support for the new dynaSpeed Sprint Pro 120m
  • Added support for the new DSU-Lite
  • Added support for wireless connection to DSU, DSU-Lite and dynaSpeed via Wi-Fi
  • Added support for the new finger strength board (climbing force)
  • Various stability and bug fixes


Quick fix: Error in test could occur when using Goniometer


Optimized EMGrms calculation for significantly higher speed.

Fixed: issues related to firmware update of DynaSpeed

Fixed: Input control for RFD calculation was not working correctly


Fixed: Missing reps when using encoder.

Added several parameters for SJ and CMJ using single or dual force plates


Fixed: Automatic retriveal and re-assignment of  IMUs to sprinters in sprint tests.

Fixed: Laser battery indicator did not show if laser was connected by wire.

Fixed: User-setting of DynaSpeed pull-in speed was not always retrieved correctly.

Fixed: Filtering of report data on group level could cause error.


Fixed: Potential sync issue that may cause test to terminate

Fixed: Program hang if showing live streaming window with DynaSpeed


Fixed graph scaling issue in force test when changing between subjects


Step detection: Added new parameters and allowed re-calculation biometrics of sprinter were intially incorrect.

Added split times and velocities in DynaSpeed test view.


Bug fixes:

  1. Horiszontal F/V charts did not always show correctly in Report
  2. Export of Split times from Laser tests to Spreadsheet was organized incorreectly
  3. Saving test with wireless wearable sensors could fail
  4. Radio signal strength indicator did now show


  1. RSI in Hopping test is now avaraged from the best 5.
  2. Added more parameters in step detection (Fmax, cl/Ll index, vertical oscillation, stiffness++).


Bug fixes:

DynaSpeed firmware did not update properly

Drop Jump on force plate gave incorrect GCT

Running analysis with laser and contact grid failed.


New features:

  1. Advanced Skating analysis with DynaSpeed, Laser or timing gates in combination with IMU sensors. Stride frequencey, glide length, glide time etc.
  2. Split times with Laser test.
  3. Isometric test termination at defined percentage or predefined time
  4. Added time to failure to isometric strength test.
  5. Added system info log.
  6. Added support for export/import of people.
  7. Added battery indicator for sensor with battery.


  1. Updated isometric strength test report.
  2. Updated speed test report.
  3. Improved data consistency check on horizontal FV to avoid crash.
  4. Enabled photocells list in test definition.

Bug fixes:

  1. Fixed issue with bar graphs that is not shown in dynamic strength test.
  2. Fixed issue with load in percentage in dynamic strength test.
  3. Fixed crash of force test.
  4. Fixed timer in hopping/rebound jump test.
  5. Fixed issue with selecting force sensor in test definition.
  6. Fixed issue with doubled number of step detection sensors.
  7. Fix: Gait analysis did not save.
  8. Fix: Force test did not allow several measurements with out saving in between
  9. Fix: Force test and Force plate test live barograph did not always show.

5111 to 5112

New feature: Measurements on force plate can now be selected to be expressed as a positive or negative number.

Fix: Update of DSU firmware could fail and result in program crash.

Quick Fix: Crash in raw data test when attempting to close a non-existing window

5110 to 5111

Quick Fix: Crash in raw data test when attempting to close a non-existing window.

5100 to 5110

Quick Fix: Firmaware of timing gates is updated to match V10.201.xx.xxxx

Improvement: Position bio-feedback in dynamic strength tests is updated.

5107 to 5109

Quick Fix: Wireless sensores that was swiched off-on during test could be disconnected.


New features:

  1. Wearable sensors can now be linked to person, not only test.
  2. Power saving for Laser. Automatic turn of when not making tests.
  3. Implemented Acceleration/Deceleration Ability (ADA) test using Laser.
  4. Implemented Wireless Laser unit update.
  5. Implemented Wireless Laser unit pairing.


  1. Improved Isometric strength test and report.
  2. Major improvement on dual force plate jump tests and report.
  3. Improved force plate calibration.
  4. Live data graph is now running independently of test.
  5. Added data integrity check into EMG normalization.
  6. Changed graph scale in Laser sprint.
  7. Added “Toggle force direction” button for force sensor in test view.
  8. Optimized horizontal F/V analysis with Laser.
  9. Changed wireless sensor name format in system check window.
  10. Updated jump test (contact grid) report.

Bug fixes:

  1. Fixed wireless data transfer for segmented test.
  2. Fixed issue with detecting timestamp offset if there is no data coming from sensors (out of range).
  3. Fixed issue with incorrect incoming data from wireless force sensor (FW + SW).
  4. Fixed issue with data transfer for wireless force sensor.
  5. Fixed issue with C3D data scale for EMG.
  6. Fixed issues with firmware update.

Older software RELEASES – Not for new installations


Release date: July 10th 2020

This version requires a serial number valid thru February 2020 to install

Changes in this version:

Most recent fixes:

5096 to 5097

Fixed bug: Laser sprint did not alway fetch data from IMU sensors if test was terminated manually.

5095 to 5096

Improvement: Sprint with Laser. Now using F/V calc to determine start time.

Quick fix: Laser unit firmware did not update automatically.

5092 to 5095

Fixed: After updating from 32 bit to 64 bit some raw data might have been inaccessible.

5091 to 5092

Quick fix: Wireless sensor some times did not start recording if opening/closing sensor window from test view.

5087 to 5091

Quick fix: Photo-cells loosing sync if switched off and on

5085 to 5087

Quick fix of a problem related to server version of database.





New features (V10.200.xx.xxxx):

  1. Added step detection feature for sprint tests, using IMU sensors
  2. Total distance for sprint with laser can be changed in test view.
  3. Added Mean Propulsive Velocity (MPV) and Rate of Velocity Development (RVD) for dynamic strength biofeedback.
  4. Added Flight Length parameter to sprint test.
  5. Added possibility to use server database.
  6. Force sensor sample rate selectable 200Hz/1000Hz.
  7. Test definition name can be changed even if it was used before.
  8. Raw Data tab is hidden if no raw data shown.
  9. Load input will be preserved when changing a person in test view.
  10. Added reports for drop jump and isometric strength tests.
  11. Added sheets with detailed data for tests that has multiple results.
  12. Added support of PID (Patient ID) as substitute for people name



  1. Wireless data transfer totally rewritten and significantly improved.
  2. EMG normalization value now following the person is valid for different tests.
  3. Improved force plate calibration
  4. Improved jump tests on force plate. No longer need for landing on the plate (except DJ)
  5. Updated test reports
  6. Reduced light brightness in photocells with light tower to increase battery run time.


Bug fixes:

  1. Opening sensor live view while test is running could affect test data.
  2. Fixed issue in Endurance strength test with concentric start.
  3. Fixed issue with off sync RMS presentation in raw data view.
  4. Test view hangs in initializing mode.
  5. Fixed issue with power calculation in drop jump with force plate.
  6. Removed spikes in report graphs.




MUSCLELAB Software (32bit version)

Release date: Dec 7th 2018

This version requires a serial number valid thru January 2017 to install.

NOT recommended for new installations! Use this only if you need to reinstall an old installation.

Changes in this version:

No information available

Software for early generation MUSCLELAB

This is the latest version of the software for the old MUSCLELAB system. (3010, 4000/4000e, 4010/4020). This software is no longer supported and there may be some compatibility issues with versions of Windows later than 7/32. However, V8.31 has updated USB driver for use with Windows 10

Version 8.31
Changes in this version:

No information available